
General information opening times & appointments:
  • The gallery will be closed from the 21st of July till 6th of August. In this period our response and shipments may be delayed. 
  • The opening hours are from Wednesday to Saturday between 11.00 until 18:00 hrs.
  • If you would like to plan in a viewing / sales appointment with Pien Rademakers  please fill out this form. At the moment we are not taking any new artist submissions. 
  • We are always looking for motivated interns. For more info please send an email to



See and download the press pack of SOFT!



Follow us on Instagram, Artsy and GalleryViewer

See our Google reviews here.


Nijverheidslaan 3A9

1382 LE Amsterdam (Weesp)

E-mail us at 


KvK: 34347281

VAT number: NL002166947B79